Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Christmas in Paperland Sneak Peak

Here's a sneak peak at the next update.  Snow, blinking lights on the trees, and Santa!


  1. Hi, its a great app but it would be even better if the weather would be live/realtime like the weather on the location I am.
    (i suppose many have asked for this feature ?)

    The Netherlands

  2. I purchased new pro version on Play Store few minutes ago and got an error. Each time I press on Theme Manager, the app automaticaly restarted, and so, I cannot change themes.

    My decive is Galaxy Nexus with JellyBean 4.2.1.

    Can you plzs check and fix this issue?

  3. eu quero na proxima atualização porque é o melhor que já ví

  4. I be been running the free version for ages and thought I would upgrade to the Pro. But, apparently it isn't compatible with my tablet.... which is kinda strange, as it has been on all three of my tablets, faultlessly.

    My tablet is a Pipo Max M1. An Rk3066 based tablet. This is the first thing I have found that says it is incompatible...

  5. Are there plans to buil iPhone version? I'm on android and have the pro version but a friend wants it too.

    thanks again for a great app!

  6. Sorry David, iPhone doesn't support live wallpapers!

    Zootalaws, get back to me at my email address and I can look into it.

  7. Josh, first of all, beautifull app. I really enjoy it every day. One Question though: Do you have an idea why the Nexus devices have problems with many live wallpapers? My friends Galaxy Nexus doesnt even like them with 4.1. Currently, the Nexus 7 becomes slower as well with your app. Im running the pro version.

    Keep it up, the wallpaper is totally fine on another ones S2 btw.

  8. Hi
    Why don't you release your great app for Windows 8.
    I mean a Live wallpaper for Start Screen :)

  9. Hi Josh:

    I just downloaded Version 1.9.1 and it says it needs a beta key for the live weather? Do you know how I can get one?


  10. Same problem... I paid for the app and now I don´t know how to get a key! :(

  11. Yup...I am wondering about the beta key as well. I have the Pro version.

  12. I also have the Pro version and I sent an e-mail to Joko Interactive inquiring about it and got no response (yet) :(

  13. Hey guys, the live weather beta trial is all closed up right now, but I should be able to roll it out to the general public soon. And unfortunately I can't respond to everyone individually requesting a key. Please be patient!

    1. Hi ^_^!!!
      Well first your app is awesome, and I really look forward trying the live weather on my phone, that would be soooo *great*...
      So if by any chance I could get my hands on one of these private beta key you'd really make my day (and no I'm a perfectly sane grown up person
      with a healthy and balanced way of life in all regards)...
      Bye and good day to you!

    2. Hi Josh, Your wallpaper is rally good, but I think you should expand your resources to accommodate the growing popularity of your software. You should be automating the beta key process.

  14. Anyone have the beta key? How is the live weather so far?

  15. I bought pro version and I want a beta key to.. my mail is:

  16. Why so stingy with the live weather key? It doesn't cost you anything and you can get valuable feedback from your customers. Duh

  17. It actually DOES cost me something. I'm beta testing the weather service as well as my code, and a free account has a limit to the number of weather requests per day and per minute. If I gave the key out to everyone, I'd hit that limit very easily and get overage charges.

    Let me know if you know of a good, global, free, unlimited weather service (there are none) and I'll be happy to open things up for you!

    1. Dude,
      your charging for the pro version, If your adding a feature thats costing you more than you earn from that feature, you really have to think about it before you add it.

  18. Hi, I love your wallpaper..How can I get the private key for trying the live weather version?
    My mail address is

  19. Would Weather Underground not be a good candidate ?

  20. Hi, really love your app and I was just wondering how the live weather is coming along and any news of a release time? Thanks for all the hard work

  21. Josh-

    Would the live weather be compatible with the weather service we already have on our phones (i.e. Accuweather)? Just a thought!

    Thanks :)

  22. Dear Josh
    hope you wont mind me posting this here. Im trying to get in touch with Joko Interactive who did Alice in Wonderland in our studio few years ago. Are you the same people?
    we moved since and lost touch, wanted to say 'hi'.

  23. hi, I am Ricky Lam, Product Operation Specialist from GO Launcher. We like your design very much,and we are wondering whether you would like to join our cross promition program. For more information,please feel free to contact me,THX!

  24. now ios seems to allow live wallpaper.. please, releasean iphone version: I can't live with my mini Santaclaus!!! :'(
